Illumin Drone Shows Expansion to US

Canadian Drone Show Producer Aims to Dazzle Audiences with Story-Driven Displays and Cutting-Edge Technology Across Florida and Beyond by DRONELIFE Staff Writer Ian J. McNab Toronto, Canada-based drone show producer Illumin Drone Shows recently announced a new...

Percepto Type Certification FAA – DRONELIFE

The Federal Aviation Administration awards Percepto a Type Certificate, confirming the safety and reliability of their drone solutions for the energy sector. Percepto announced today that it has secured a Type Certificate from the Federal Aviation Administration...

Drones for Dolphin Research – DRONELIFE

Innovative UAV Design Allows Scientists to Collect Biological Samples from Dolphins Without Disturbing Them by DRONELIFE Features Editor Jim Magil Scientists studying dolphins have long been confounded by the problem of how to assess the health of these animals in the...

Plaza Aerospace on the Drone Radio Show

In this episode of the Drone Radio Show, Juan Plaza, CEO of consulting company Plaza Aerospace, talks about a recent mid-air collision – and its relevancy to the drone industry and drone operators.  Listen here: Juan Plaza CEO of Plaza Aerospace, a Boca Raton based...