Smart Controller for ACSL Drones

Enhanced Usability, Durability, and Connectivity for Field Operation Japanese dronemaker ACSL Inc. recently announced their newest offering- TENSO, a new smart controller for their SOTEN drone, which is also receiving some major updates. The new TENSO controller uses...

Forest Management with Drones FAO Report

Climate change is significantly increasing the vulnerability of the world’s forests to stressors such as wildfires and pests, according to a new report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Released at the 27th session of the Committee...

Drone Delivery: A Win-Win for Vendors and Customers

Survey Highlights High Customer Satisfaction and Increased Revenue Drone delivery is gaining traction as a viable and efficient delivery method, bringing substantial benefits to both customers and vendors. According to a recent survey conducted by DroneUp, drone...

Oceanographic Survey Drone – DRONELIFE

This article published in collaboration with JUIDA, the Japan UAS Industrial Development Association. Penta Ocean Construction (President, Takuzo Shimizu) and Prodrone Co., Ltd. (President, Shunsuke Toya) have jointly developed the “Penta-Ocean Vanguard-DroneAqua”...

Blue sUAS List Update a Competitive Refresh

An article in National Defense reports that the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU), the entity responsible for the development and maintenance of the Blue sUAS list, will hold a “competitive refresh” of the list later this year.  Source: Teal The DIU’s Blue sUAS list is a...