Low SWaP-C UAS Payload: MatrixSpace Wins AFWERX Contract

Low SWAP-C UAS Payload to Enhance Replicator Initiative
MatrixSpace has been awarded a $1.25 million Direct-to-Phase II SBIR contract by AFWERX to develop a low SWaP-C (Size, Weight, Power, and Cost) multi-function, multi-band antenna payload. This new project, based on the MatrixSpace Radar hardware platform, aims to address key challenges within the Department of the Air Force (DAF) and support the Replicator initiative. The contract spans 21 months and begins immediately.

MatrixSpace Radar, designed and developed in the USA, provides robust situational awareness of both airborne and ground-based objects under various lighting and weather conditions. This technology supports accurate drone detection, Counter Unmanned Aircraft System (CUAS) capabilities, Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations for uncrewed, autonomous, and tethered aircraft, and enhances general airspace awareness and security.
The Air Force Research Laboratory and AFWERX have streamlined the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) processes, aiming for faster proposal-to-award timelines. These changes are intended to expand opportunities for small businesses and reduce bureaucratic overhead.
Since its inception in 2018, the DAF’s Open Topic SBIR/STTR program has funded a wider range of innovations, including those proposed by small businesses like MatrixSpace. This initiative aligns with the broader goals of enhancing military capabilities and supporting the development of advanced technologies.

Matthew Kling, Vice President of Intelligent Systems at MatrixSpace, stated, “We’re honored to provide innovative military capabilities using our core MatrixSpace technology to strengthen the national defense of the United States. Through this award, we have been given a significant opportunity to progress large-scale, all-domain attritable autonomous (ADA2) systems envisioned under the Replicator initiative. MatrixSpace will help address critical requirements for future military systems by providing multi-function, multi-band, agnostic capabilities on-board autonomous vehicles, enabling our warfighters to rapidly adapt to any mission.”
The project’s development and testing of low SWaP-C payloads for uncrewed aerial systems underscore MatrixSpace’s commitment to advancing military technology and supporting national defense initiatives.
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