Percepto Type Certification FAA – DRONELIFE

The Federal Aviation Administration awards Percepto a Type Certificate, confirming the safety and reliability of their drone solutions for the energy sector.
Percepto announced today that it has secured a Type Certificate from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), making it one of only three drone solutions globally to meet the stringent safety and reliability standards set by the FAA. This recognition is particularly significant for the energy sector, where Percepto operates, as safety and reliability are crucial for large-scale drone operations.

Certification Process and Significance
The company says that the Percepto Type Certification represents more than a regulatory milestone. It is a formal acknowledgment of Percepto’s commitment to ensuring that its drones meet the highest safety and operational standards. This certification follows a rigorous evaluation by the FAA, a process designed to assess the reliability and safety of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) operating in the National Airspace System.

“Receiving the FAA Type Certificate is a monumental recognition of Percepto’s relentless commitment to safety and innovation,” said Dor Abuhasira, CEO of Percepto. “This positions us uniquely in the market, especially in the energy sector, where these attributes are crucial for operational success.”
Global Safety Standards
The significance of the FAA’s certification extends beyond the United States. As Neta Gliksman, Percepto’s Vice President of Policy and Government Affairs, explained, “With the FAA viewed as a benchmark in aviation and the gold standard for safety globally, this certificate signifies the safety and reliability of Percepto’s vehicle and simplifies regulatory negotiations for international deployment. It signals to foreign regulators and customers alike that Percepto adheres to the highest possible safety standards.”
The FAA echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the importance of maintaining safety within the National Airspace System (NAS). “The Percepto TC is the result of FAA working closely with the applicant and coordinating across the organization to ensure a compliant and safe design. The safety of our National Airspace System (NAS) can only be preserved if all aircraft flying in the NAS are reliable, controllable, and safe – no matter how small or large, or whether the crew is onboard the aircraft or piloting it remotely,” the FAA stated.

Meeting Industry Needs
For enterprises in the energy sector and other industries looking to scale operations using drones, partnering with Percepto ensures that they are choosing a product recognized for its safety and reliability. This certification strengthens Percepto’s position in the global market, giving customers the confidence that their drone operations will comply with international safety standards.
Percepto’s drones, powered by the company’s AIM software, offer fully autonomous data collection and monitoring solutions. These capabilities are designed to optimize performance, safety, and sustainability for large-scale industrial operations.
As enterprises increasingly rely on autonomous drone solutions for critical infrastructure monitoring and inspection, Percepto’s FAA Type Certificate demonstrates their readiness to meet these demands while maintaining the highest levels of safety and operational efficiency.
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