SimActive Correlator3D Mapping with Multi-Camera Payloads

SimActive Enhances 3D Mapping with Multi-Camera Drone Payloads
SimActive Inc., a global leader in photogrammetry software development, has announced the integration of its Correlator3D™ product with multi-camera drone payloads to enhance 3D mapping capabilities. This innovative software allows users to import configurations from both oblique and nadir cameras, paving the way for superior 3D mapping products.
Multi-camera payloads on drones, such as the Oblique D2M from Quantum-Systems, are revolutionizing the field of drone mapping by enabling the texturization of building and infrastructure sides. The project setup and aerial triangulation modules of Correlator3D™ simplify the process of importing these intricate multi-camera configurations.

Robert Leake, Head of Commercial Sales at Quantum-Systems, commented on the development, “Our customers are capturing five times the number of images compared to a traditional single camera setup. This necessitates robust processing software. SimActive has proven its ability to rapidly process large datasets, which is crucial when capturing multi-camera data for enhanced 3D maps.”
SimActive’s Correlator3D™ software is a patented, end-to-end photogrammetry solution for generating high-quality geospatial data from satellite and aerial imagery, including drones. The software performs aerial triangulation (AT) and produces dense digital surface models (DSM), digital terrain models (DTM), point clouds, orthomosaics, 3D models, and vectorized 3D features. Powered by GPU technology and multi-core CPUs, Correlator3D™ ensures unmatched processing speed to support the rapid production of large datasets.
Quantum-Systems, established in 2011 in Munich, Germany, is more than just a drone manufacturer. As an aerial data intelligence company, it provides multi-sensor data collection products to government agencies and commercial customers. Its electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) systems are known for their industry-leading endurance, ease of operation, and reliability.

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